install.packages(c("sf", "stars", "terra", "s2", "gstat", "spatstat", "spdep", "spatialreg", "mgcv"))
install.packages("starsdata", repos = "", type = "source")
install.packages("spDataLarge", repos = "", type = "source")
Geospatial Data Science in R
This course offers an in-depth exploration of geospatial data science using R, designed for researchers and practitioners seeking to enhance their analytical capabilities in spatial data. Participants will gain practical experience with R’s latest spatial data technologies, integrating theory with hands-on applications. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to apply geospatial data science techniques to real-world problems, leveraging the full power of R’s spatial tools.
Basic knowledge of statistical modelling with R.
Participants should bring their own laptops with R and RStudio installed.
Some package dependencies are heavy, so it is recommended to install them beforehand as follows:
R-INLA is required too. For OS-specific installation instructions, see this link
If time permits, the instructor suggests reading the following chapters from Spatial Data Science:
3-7, 10-12, 14-16
Dr. Edzer Pebesma is Professor of Geoinformatics at University of Münster, Germany. His research interests include the computational and statistical modelling of spatio-temporal phenomena at the geographical scale.